Depression is Not a Normal Part of Aging
Statistics show that depression in seniors is common; however, it is not a normal part of aging and should not be treated as such. Many of the challenges seniors go through in the later stages of their life including the death of love ones, retiring from the workplace, and having one or more serious health problems or disability can result in a person developing depression. While an estimated 6 million adults age 65 years and older have late-life depression, only 10% of those affected are treated for it.
Experts say there are several reasons why depression goes untreated in the elderly including the fact that symptoms are displayed differently from those in younger people. For example many seniors do show signs of sadness, the most common symptom of depression, and many are unwilling to share their feelings with anyone. Seniors with depression often complain of feeling tired, have trouble sleeping and may be grumpy and irritable. Depression can even cause symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease such as confusion and attention problems.
In some cases symptoms of depression are misdiagnosed as being the result of medical conditions and/or from the side effects of medicines they take to treat the conditions. The National Institute on Aging says depression can “co-occur with other serious medical illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease.” Furthermore, they explain that depression can make these conditions worse and treating the depression can help older adults better manage their other health conditions.
If you think you have depression or that a loved one is suffering from the condition, you need to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider. It can be treated but your doctor needs to rule out other medical conditions that may be causing the depression. Typical treatment for depression includes medication and psychotherapy.
MorningStar at Bear Creek brings a unique vision to senior living with our mission statement “to honor, to serve, to invest.” Our foundation is built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve. We are dedicated to creating a true home within an ideal setting and invite you to schedule a tour to see firsthand the best assisted living for dementia residents in Colorado Springs.