A Simple Tip to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

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By the time February comes around each year, surveys show that as many as 80% of us have already fallen short of sticking to a New Year’s resolution. Despite our best efforts, it is not always easy to keep resolutions, but science may provide a clue as to how we can achieve better results.

A new study recently published in the journal PLOS One, reports on a simple trick that may help us stick to our resolutions. The study found people had more success once they changed the way they looked at what they are trying to accomplish. For instance, rather than commit to something you wish to stop, “simply rephrase your resolution as something positive you’d like to commit to doing.” The study’s lead author, Per Carlbring, explains that it is practically impossible to erase a behavior, but much simpler to replace it with something else.” He advises to think: I will start to do ______. Not, I will quit or avoid ______.

The 2017 research involved more than 1,000 participants who were encouraged to make New Year’s resolutions. Participants were divided into three groups with one group getting no support, the second some support, and the third received regular support to help keep their resolution throughout the year.

By the end of the study, researchers found no difference between the success rates of the three groups. What did matter was how the resolution had been worded. Nearly 60% of those with a positive approach succeeded as opposed to 47% who took a more “avoidance approach.” While it may not seem like much of a difference, Lynn Bufka, the associate executive director for practice research and policy at the American Psychological Association, says it is in line with what is known about goal setting in the clinical world. She explains that taking a positive approach is typically more successful, as is establishing really specific goals.

At MorningStar of Billings, we are one of the area’s finest senior living facilities and provide independent living, assisted living and memory care. Our beautiful home is dedicated to providing residents with a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and community for carefree retirement years. Please visit our website for more information as well as to contact us regarding availability and pricing.

MorningStar Senior Living of Billings represents the finest in senior living with a unique mission statement of: “to honor, to serve, to invest.” Proving a true home for residents, our foundation is built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and hiring staff with a felt calling to serve. We invite you to visit our website for more info regarding the area’s top senior living facilities for independent living, assisted living and memory care.

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